Results for 'O. Bilskaya S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, A. Simakhova'

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  1. Global factors which influence the directions of social development.Sergii Sardak & O. Bilskaya S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, A. Simakhova - 2017 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 15 (3):323 – 333.
    This study identifies global factors conditioning the global problematics of the direction of social development. Global threats were evaluated and defined as dangerous processes, phenomena, and situations that cause harm to health, safety, well-being, and the lives of all humanity, and require removal. The essence of global risks was defined. These risks were defined as events or conditions that may cause a significant negative effect for several countries or spheres within a strategic period if they occur. Global problems were conceptualized. (...)
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  2. Current trends in global demographic processes.Sergii Sardak & O. Tryfonova S. Sardak, M. Korneyev, V. Dzhyndzhoian, T. Fedotova - 2018 - Problems and Perspectives in Management 16 (1):48-57.
    Current local and national demographic trends have deepened the existing and formed new global demographic processes that have received a new historical reasoning that requires deep scientific research taking into account the influence of the multifactorial global dimension of the modern society development. The purpose of the article is to study the development of global demographic processes and to define the causes of their occurrence, manifestations, implications and prospects for implementation in the first half of the 21st century. The authors (...)
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  3. Innovation factors of national economy competitive development.Sergii Sardak & A. O. Simakhova S. E. Sardak, N. Ye Skrypnyk, O. V. Bilskaya - 2016 - Prague Institute for Qualification Enhancement.
    These arguments prove the necessity of developing highly competitive effective innovation strategy of the national economy aimed at developing modern innovative system that ensures the competitiveness of the national economy through effective use of scientific and technological capabilities towards promoting good economic growth.
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  4. The influence of disbalances in financial resources movement on national financial systems.Sergii Sardak & S. Sardak M. Korneyev - 2018 - Yunona Publishing.
    In the article the effect of disbalances in the movement of financial resources on the national financial systems is formalized. For ensuring the corresponding monitoring objectives the financial sustainability indicators developed by the IMF and the World Bank have been used, as well as the integral indicator of financial resource disbalances, which serve as statistical units for measuring the financial situation and sustainability of the financial sector of the country. For the overwhelming majority of the studied countries, the hypothesis about (...)
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  5. The application features of seasonal-cyclic patterns in international financial markets.Sergii Sardak & O. Benenson O. Dzhusov, S. Smerichevskyi, S. Sardak, O. Klimova - 2019 - Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (5):1-10.
    The paper deals with the topical issue of studying cyclic patterns in the economy and their practical application for the forecasts on the development of financial markets. The work aims to establish the features of the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" in the international financial markets in current conditions and to develop recommendations for the practical application of these patterns in the investment activities. The US stock market as an integral part of the (...)
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  6. Development of historical and cultural tourist destinations.Sergii Sardak, Oleksandr P. Krupskyi, V. Dzhyndzhoian, M. Sardak & Y. Naboka - 2020 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 29 (2):406-414.
    The aim of the study is to develop theoretic and methodological recommendations and practical activities for the positive social, managerial, organizational and economic development of historical and cultural tourist destinations. In theoretical terms: the role of historical and cultural tourist destination in the development of the region has been established; the historical and cultural tourist destinations have been identified; the author’s classification of historical and cultural tourist destinations has been developed basing tourist visiting activeness; the author’s methodological approach to the (...)
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  7. Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries).D. E. Reshetniak S. E. Sardak, O. P. Krupskyi, S. I. Korotun & Sergii Sardak - 2019 - Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 28 (1):180-187.
    Abstract. In this article we developed scientific and applied foundations of commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects, on the example of exhausted mines. It is determined that the category of “anthropogenic object” can be considered in a narrow-applied sense, as specific anthropogenic objects to ensure the target needs, and in a broad theoretical sense, meaning everything that is created and changed by human influence, that is the objects of both artificial and natural origin. It was determined that problems (...)
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  8. Comparative analysis of economic openness of the Netherlands and Poland.Sergii Sardak & S. E. Sardak О. D. Tryfonova, K. M. Ohdanskiy - 2018 - Imperatives of Development of Civil Society in Promoting National Competitiveness – 2018: 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference.
    Comparing the degree of openness of the economy of Poland and the Netherlands, we can say the following. The Netherlands is more dependent on foreign trade than Poland. The Netherlands export quota reaches almost 50%, unlike 41,37% in Poland in 2016. However, Poland has become more import-dependent. Poland, in contrast to the Netherlands, is continuing to increase the indicators of "economic globalization". To date, the Netherlands has been pursuing more moderate foreign trade policy and trying to protect itself from external (...)
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  9. Jakob Andersson. Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon 2800–2200 b. c. e. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, 28. Up-psala: Uppsala University Library, 2012. Pp. xxxix, 440. SEK 392 (pb.). ISBN 978-91-554-8270-1. [REVIEW]S. Bartsch O'Gorman, S. M. Goldberg, E. Paratore, N. P. Miller, P. V. Jones, D. S. Levene, R. Martin, R. Syme, J. Ginsburg & C. Pelling - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (1):149-154.
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    Subjective experience and the attentional lapse: Task engagement and disengagement during sustained attention.J. Smallwood, J. B. Davies, D. Heim, F. Finnigan, M. Sudberry & Obonsawin M. O'Connor R. - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):657-90.
    Three experiments investigated the relationship between subjective experience and attentional lapses during sustained attention. These experiments employed two measures of subjective experience to examine how differences in awareness correspond to variations in both task performance and psycho-physiological measures . This series of experiments examine these phenomena during the Sustained Attention to Response Task . The results suggest we can dissociate between two components of subjective experience during sustained attention: task unrelated thought which corresponds to an absent minded disengagement from the (...)
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  11.  50
    Forgiveness by God and Human Forgivingness: The Centrality of the Religiosity Makes the Difference.S. Huber, M. Allemand & O. W. Huber - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):115-134.
    The present study tested the hypothesis that centrality of religiosity as defined as the position of an individual’s religious construct system in personality moderates the relationship between the experience of forgiveness by God and forgivingness for others. Participants completed measures of forgiveness by God, forgivingness, and centrality of religiosity. The moderating hypothesis was tested by treating centrality of religiosity both as a continuous variable and as a categorical variable with reference to a typological distinction. Results indicate that centrality of religiosity (...)
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  12. Endozepine stupor: disease or deception.R. Granot, S. F. Berkovic, S. Patterson, M. Hopwood, O. H. Drummer & R. Mackenzie - 2004 - A Critical Review. Sleep 27 (8):1597-9.
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    Pistols, pills, pork and ploughs: the structure of technomoral revolutions.J. K. G. Hopster, C. Arora, C. Blunden, C. Eriksen, L. E. Frank, J. S. Hermann, M. B. O. T. Klenk, E. R. H. O’Neill & S. Steinert - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (2):264-296.
    The power of technology to transform religions, science, and political institutions has often been presented as nothing short of revolutionary. Does technology have a similarly transformative influence on societies’ morality? Scholars have not rigorously investigated the role of technology in moral revolutions, even though existing research on technomoral change suggests that this role may be considerable. In this paper, we explore what the role of technology in moral revolutions, understood as processes of radical group-level moral change, amounts to. We do (...)
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    The Prophet Jeremiah and Exclusive Loyalty to God.Kathleen M. O'connor - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (2):130-140.
    In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet's calling involves profound engagement with the world, with God, and with the local community. Exclusive allegiance to and intimate experience of God propel the prophet into the world, become the fiery source of his passion, and make Jeremiah the model of survival for his devastated community.
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    Formation of the "Self-Made-Man" Idea in the Worldview of the Renaissance and Reformation.O. M. Korkh & V. Y. Antonova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:94-102.
    _The purpose_ of this study is the reflection on ways of philosophical legitimation for the "Self-made-man" idea in the worldview of the Renaissance and Reformation. _Theoretical basis._ Historical, comparative, and hermeneutic methods became the basis for this. The study is based on the works of Nicholas of Cusa, G. Pico della Mirandola, N. Machiavelli, M. Montaigne, E. Roterodamus, M. Luther, J. Calvin together with modern researchers of this period. _Originality._ The analysis allows us to come to the conclusion that casts (...)
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  16.  29
    Metaphysical and Anthropological Principles of the Self-Made-Man Idea in Western Philosophy of the 17th Century.O. M. Korkh & V. Y. Antonova - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:95-104.
    _Purpose._ The main purpose of this research is to comprehend the philosophical principles in the spread and legitimation of the Self-made-man idea in the worldview transformations of the 17th century. _Theoretical basis._ Historical and comparative methods became fundamental ones for the research. The research is based on the creative heritage of R. Descartes, T. Hobbes, J. Locke, as well as the works of modern researchers. _Originality._ The analysis shows that the Self-made-man idea, which originated in the ancient world and gradually (...)
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  17.  24
    Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life: Medieval Context and Early Modern Reception.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1337-1370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life:Medieval Context and Early Modern ReceptionReginald M. Lynch O.P.In question 63 of the tertia pars, Thomas Aquinas defines the so-called character that is conferred by certain sacraments (namely baptism, confirmation, and holy orders), as a secondary effect caused by the sacraments, with grace itself identified as the primary effect. As separated instruments of the humanity of Christ, in his mature work in (...)
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    The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological Methodology.O. P. Bruno M. Shah - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1265-1295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mystery of Problems for Modern Theological MethodologyBruno M. Shah O.P.Recent trends in Catholic theology emphasize the category of "mystery." But "problems," which can seem distinct from and even opposed to mysteries, have a constitutive role in the work of theology as well. If the object of faith is God, and if theology's goal is typically defined as "faith seeking understanding," then the object of theology must include the (...)
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    Studi su gli "Scritti" di frate Francesco (review).O. F. M. Blastic - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:521-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This volume collects seven articles of Carlo Paolazzi, O.F.M., previously published in journals and congress proceedings between 1996 and 2004, each of them dealing with the Writings of Francis. The essays are not arranged chronologically but move from more general to more specific studies on the Writings of Francis of Assisi. The titles of the essays included are: 1) The Birth of the Writings and Constitution of the Canon (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood: Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):789-810.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomas Aquinas on the Priesthood:Temple, Allegory, and the Humanities of Christ*Reginald M. Lynch O.P.In this lecture, I will examine Aquinas's approach to the concept of priesthood and its place in the economy of salvation, drawing upon Aquinas's systematic presentation of Christ's priesthood and sacramental priesthood within the Church, as well as the figural representation of these incarnational and ecclesial realities within the liturgical world of the Mosaic covenant. Theologically (...)
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  21.  44
    Civilizational and institutional aspects of national self-identification in ukraine: Philosophical-anthropological approach.M. I. Boichenko, O. V. Yakovleva & V. V. Liakh - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:50-61.
    Purpose. This article clarifies the significance of the person’s social self-identification as a basis for civilization and institutional explanation of national self-identification in Ukraine. Theoretical basis. The authors found that the analysis of the cultural and anthropological principles of national self-identity reveals two main opposed concepts: the concept of "eastern" cultural and social self-identity of Ukraine, which correlates with the metaphor of the split between "East" and "West", and the concept of "western" projection of the European future of Ukraine, which (...)
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  22.  15
    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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    Romanticism : critical concepts in literary and cultural studies.M. Sandy & M. O'Neill - unknown
    The following text is taken from the publisher's website: "Romanticism is, and always has been, one of the most hotly contested terms in literary and cultural history. Many of the writers now described as Romantic refused to be defined by the word: 'it would be such bad taste', said Byron in 1820. Lovejoy spoke of a plurality of ‘romanticisms’, born of distinct thought complexes, whilst René Wellek argued that literatures labelled Romantic indicated common conceptions. Comparably, in the post-World War II (...)
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  24. Spin quasi-distribution functions.M. O. Scully & K. Wódkiewicz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (1):85-107.
    Two-classes of phase-space spin quasi-distribution functions are introduced and discussed. The first class of these distributions is based on the delta function construction. It is shown that such a construction can be carried out for an arbitrary spin s and an arbitrary ordering of the spin operators. The second class of the spin distributions is constructed with the help of the spin coherent states. The connection of the spin coherent states to the Stratonovich formalism is established and discussed. It is (...)
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    Anthropology of visual self-objectification of the painter.O. M. Goncharova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:144-155.
    Purpose. Based on the anthropocentric approach to the analysis of visual self-presentations of Artemisia Gentileschi in paintings, to present the artwork as self-objectifications of the artist, which give rise to a new cultural reality and are at the same time a means of knowing the essence of man. Theoretical basis. The principles and methods of philosophical and anthropological research in combination with biographical, historical and comparative, iconographic, figurative and stylistic methods were used when writing the article. Among philosophical and anthropological (...)
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    On the Ivratio Italiae of 32 B.C.M. O. B. Caspari - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (04):230-.
    ‘Ivravit in mea uerba tota Italia sponte sua et me belli quo uici ad Actium ducem depoposcit.’ In these words the Emperor Augustus clearly meant to suggest that the war in which he got rid of Mark Antony was none of his making, but was imposed upon him by the free and self-determined action of the Italian nation. Modern historians have unanimously refused to regard Augustus as a passive instrument in the hands of the Roman people at large; yet they (...)
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    Legal theory and sociological facts.M. Groot & O. M. - 1998 - Law and Philosophy 17 (3):251-270.
    The authors investigate MacCormick and Weinberger's claim that the Institutional Theory of Law provides a conceptual framework for the study of legal phenomena from a socio-legal point of view. They evaluate this claim by confronting both the Institutional Theory of Law and Weinberger's theory of action with two approaches in socio-legal theory, i.e. the instrumentalist and the constitutive approach. The conclusion is that the Institutional Theory of Law lends itself to empirical research from an instrumentalist perspective, for both place the (...)
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    Nahum—Habakkuk—Zephaniah: Reading the “Former Prophets” in the Persian Period.Julia M. O'Brien - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (2):168-183.
    Hosea-Zephaniah so closely conform to Zechariah's description of the “former prophets” that these books may have been written or edited as a prelude to Zechariah. Recognizing that Zechariah constructed a picture of earlier prophets that would support his own message in the Persian period invites modern readers to reflect on the promise and the dangers of engaging in a similar process of reshaping the past in the interests of the present.
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    Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching.M. O'Dowd - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):56-2.
    This third edition of O'Rourke and Boyle's Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching is a useful and comprehensive collection of statements published, for the most part, by the central authorities of the Roman Catholic Church, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States and the bishops' conferences of individual US states on a wide range of issues in the area of medical ethics. ….
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  30. Genetic prediction: What are the limits?M. O. - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4):619-633.
    The spectre of determinism stalks many of the concerns surrounding the impact of genetic research into both disease and normal behaviour. The ability accurately to predict a person's actions would certainly have profound implications for notions of individuality and free will. But to what extent will the current explosion in genetic research provide more accurate predictors than have been available for millennia in the form of wealth, social status and perceived family resemblance? The genetic research program is at too early (...)
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    The Social Nature of Self and Morality for Husserl, Schutz, Marx, and Mead.William M. O’Meara - 1986 - Philosophy Research Archives 12:329-355.
    The purpose of the paper is, first, to describe how Husserl’s phenomenology begins with the transcendental ego and attempts to affirm by necessary insight the alter ego and the moral community of all rational beings, and, secondly, to evaluate this argument, using the thought of Schutz, Marx, and Mead. The paper concludes that Husserl’s and Schutz’s concepts of the social nature of the self are inadequate and that Marx and Mead offer a better analysis of how the social nature of (...)
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    Walking with Odysseus: The Portico Frame of the Odyssey Landscapes.Timothy M. O'Sullivan - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):497-532.
    This article examines the cultural and artistic context of one of the most famous Roman frescoes, the Odyssey Landscapes. It argues that the painting's fictive portico frame would have evoked in the Roman viewer the experience of the ambulatio, the act of walking for leisure and contemplation that came to be an essential element of a properly Hellenized otium. The painted portico thus puts the viewers in the proper frame of mind to appreciate the intellectual associations of the painting as (...)
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    Skeletal age determination in adolescents involved in judicial procedures: from evidence-based principles to medical practice.M. -O. Pruvost, C. Boraud & P. Chariot - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2):71-74.
    Background The ideal basis of age estimation is considered to be a combination of clinical, skeletal and dental examinations. It is not easy to determine how forensic physicians take account of evidence-based data obtained from medical journals in their medical decision-making. The question of what is an ethically acceptable probability that adolescents are incorrectly considered to be over 18 has not been answered. Methods In a retrospective study over 1 year (2007), 498 files (for 141 female subjects and 357 male (...)
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  34. Yablo's paradox and referring to infinite objects.O. Bueno & M. Colyvan - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):402 – 412.
    The blame for the semantic and set-theoretic paradoxes is often placed on self-reference and circularity. Some years ago, Yablo [1985; 1993] challenged this diagnosis, by producing a paradox that's liar-like but does not seem to involve circularity. But is Yablo's paradox really non-circular? In a recent paper, Beall [2001] has suggested that there are no means available to refer to Yablo's paradox without invoking descriptions, and since Priest [1997] has shown that any such description is circular, Beall concludes that Yablo's (...)
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    Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching: Edited by K O'Rourke, P Boyle. Georgetown University Press, 1999, pound26.95, pp 442. ISBN 0878407227. [REVIEW]M. O'Dowd - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):56-a-56.
    This third edition of O'Rourke and Boyle's Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teaching is a useful and comprehensive collection of statements published, for the most part, by the central authorities of the Roman Catholic Church, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States and the bishops' conferences of individual US states on a wide range of issues in the area of medical ethics. ….
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    Is the natural twinning rate now stable?M. F. G. Murphy, K. Hey, D. Whiteman, M. O'donnell, B. Willis & D. Barlow - 2000 - Journal of Biosocial Science 32 (2):279-281.
    As contribution to a recent debate (James, 1998; Murphy etal., 1997, 1998) the proportion of twins following ovulation induction (OI) or assisted conception (AC) in 1994 in Oxfordshire and West Berkshire was estimated, and by extrapolation the natural twinning rate in England and Wales was judged to have maintained a plateau phase since the 1970s. Similar figures for 1995 and 1996 from the same study, and hence a more stable local estimate, are now provided. The proportions, as before, were estimated (...)
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    The Metaethics of Paul Tillich: Further Reflections.Terence M. O'Keeffe - 1982 - Journal of Religious Ethics 10 (1):135 - 143.
    The article begins from a previous attempt by Glenn Graber "(Journal of Religious Ethics 1973)" to characterize Tillich's metaethics as an ontologically based self-realization theory. After proposing a modification of Graber's thesis, the article attempts to show that some of the ambiguities noted by Graber in Tillich's position-notably the tension between a formal and a material account of ethics-have their roots in his early German writings. There the treatment of ethics as a "cultural science" led Tillich to posit a formal, (...)
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    When is it sensible to use PET to study brain function?Shane M. O'Mara - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):366-367.
    Posner & Raichle's book is a superbly presented and wellwritten overview of a fast-developing and important field in contemporary neuroscience. It suffers from being an overview, however, because it does not go into sufficient detail or depth in many of the issues that it raises. It also neglects many other important areas of current research, for example, technical advances in other areas, learning and memory, and lesion analysis of brain function.
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    Lifelogging: Privacy and empowerment with memories for life. [REVIEW]Kieron O’Hara, Mischa M. Tuffield & Nigel Shadbolt - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):155-172.
    The growth of information acquisition, storage and retrieval capacity has led to the development of the practice of lifelogging, the undiscriminating collection of information concerning one’s life and behaviour. There are potential problems in this practice, but equally it could be empowering for the individual, and provide a new locus for the construction of an online identity. In this paper we look at the technological possibilities and constraints for lifelogging tools, and set out some of the most important privacy, identity (...)
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    “Where’s Wally?” Identifying theory of mind in school-based social skills interventions.Aneyn M. O’Grady & Sonali Nag - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This mini configurative review links theory of mind research with school-based social skills interventions to reframe theoretical understanding of ToM ability based on a conceptual mapping exercise. The review’s aim was to bridge areas of psychology and education concerned with social cognition. Research questions included: how do dependent variables in interventions designed to enhance child social-cognitive skills map onto ToM constructs empirically validated within psychology? In which ways do these mappings reframe conceptualization of ToM ability? Thirty-one studies on social-cognitive skill (...)
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  41. Scotus’s Ordinatio on Certain Knowledge.O. F. M. Colmán Ó Huallacháin - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:105-114.
    It is well known that the medieval scholastics did not begin their philosophy systematically with an explicit theory of knowledge. Unfortunately many people have concluded from that fact that the very idea of an epistemology, and especially the idea of a critique of knowledge, was completely foreign to them. Within recent years authors such as Professor Van Steenberghen and Father Copleston have done a great deal to spread a correct understanding of St. Thomas’s views on this matter. Much evidence might (...)
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    Kant’s Philosophy and the Idea of the Self-Made-Man.O. M. Korkh & V. V. Khmil - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:124-132.
    _Purpose._ The authors of this article set the main purpose of understanding the ideological potential of Kant’s philosophical heritage from the viewpoint of its influence on the spread and legitimization of the self-made man idea in the worldview transformations of the modern world. _Theoretical basis._ Historical, analytical, and hermeneutic methods became fundamental for achieving the goal. The study is based on Kant’s works, as well as on the works of modern researchers of his ideological heritage. _Originality._ The analysis shows that (...)
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    From the universities to the marketplace: The business ethics journey. [REVIEW]David M. O'Connell - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (15):1617-1622.
    Connecting influence and leadership, the professor of business ethics assumes a sacred moral vocation. Directed towards the student's role in the marketplace, the business ethics course enjoins consideration of the values of social responsibility for the human community in its political, economic, and familial manifestations.
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  44. Fóclir Fealsaimh. [REVIEW]O. F. M. Colman Ó Huallacháin - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:249-250.
    Only someone who has written or lectured, through the medium of Irish, on philosophy can fully appreciate the magnificent work done by Fr. Colmn Ó Huallachin in compiling this Philosopher’s Dictionary. Philosophy, like every specialised science, has its own vocabulary. Philosophers, physicists, biologists, economists must all use terms that are not found in everyday language. Before the publication of Foclir Fealsaimh, a philosopher who used Irish as a medium had to work under a serious handicap because he had no dictionary (...)
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  45.  87
    Loving the mess : navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability.Jasper O. Kenter, Christopher M. Raymond, Carena J. van Riper, Elaine Azzopardi, Michelle R. Brear, Fulvia Calcagni, Ian Christie, Michael Christie, Anne Fordham, Rachelle K. Gould, Christopher D. Ives, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Gunton, Andra‑Ioana Horcea-Milcu, Dave Kendal, Jakub Kronenberg, Julian R. Massenberg, Seb O'Connor, Neil Ravenscroft, Andrea Rawluk, Ivan J. Raymond, Jorge Rodríguez-Morales & Samarthia Thankappan - 2019 - Sustainability Science 14 (5):1439-1461.
    This paper concludes a special feature of Sustainability Science that explores a broad range of social value theoretical traditions, such as religious studies, social psychology, indigenous knowledge, economics, sociology, and philosophy. We introduce a novel transdisciplinary conceptual framework that revolves around concepts of 'lenses' and 'tensions' to help navigate value diversity. First, we consider the notion of lenses: perspectives on value and valuation along diverse dimensions that describe what values focus on, how their sociality is envisioned, and what epistemic and (...)
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    The hermeneutic spiral and interpretation in literature and the visual arts.L. M. O'Toole - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This collection brings together eighteen of the author's original papers, previously published in a variety of academic journals and edited collections over the last three decades, on the process of interpretation in literature and the visual arts in one comprehensive volume. The volume highlights the centrality of artistic texts to the study of multimodality, organized into six sections each representing a different modality or semiotic system, including literature, television, film, painting, sculpture, and architecture. A new introduction lays the foundation for (...)
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    Loving the mess: navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability.Jasper O. Kenter, Christopher M. Raymond, Carena J. van Riper, Elaine Azzopardi, Michelle R. Brear, Fulvia Calcagni, Ian Christie, Michael Christie, Anne Fordham, Rachelle K. Gould, Christopher D. Ives, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Gunton, Andra Ioana Horcea-Milcu, Dave Kendal, Jakub Kronenberg, Julian R. Massenberg, Seb O’Connor, Neil Ravenscroft, Andrea Rawluk, Ivan J. Raymond, Jorge Rodríguez-Morales & Samarthia Thankappan - unknown
    This paper concludes a special feature of Sustainability Science that explores a broad range of social value theoretical traditions, such as religious studies, social psychology, indigenous knowledge, economics, sociology, and philosophy. We introduce a novel transdisciplinary conceptual framework that revolves around concepts of ‘lenses’ and ‘tensions’ to help navigate value diversity. First, we consider the notion of lenses: perspectives on value and valuation along diverse dimensions that describe what values focus on, how their sociality is envisioned, and what epistemic and (...)
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    On Human Nature. [REVIEW]M. O. D. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (1):208-210.
    As the third volume of a trilogy which also comprises The Insect Societies and Sociobiology, On Human Nature sets out to identify and to solve certain contemporary spiritual "dilemmas." According to Wilson, we have now clearly recognized that the intersection of the causality of natural selection with that of environmental necessity explains human nature. This awareness, he suggests, has brought us today to experience these three dilemmas: first, that the human species "lacks any goal external to its own biological nature"; (...)
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    Navigating social and ethical challenges of biobanking for human microbiome research.Kieran C. O’Doherty, David S. Guttman, Yvonne C. W. Yau, Valerie J. Waters, D. Elizabeth Tullis, David M. Hwang & Kim H. Chuong - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1.
    BackgroundBiobanks are considered to be key infrastructures for research development and have generated a lot of debate about their ethical, legal and social implications. While the focus has been on human genomic research, rapid advances in human microbiome research further complicate the debate.DiscussionWe draw on two cystic fibrosis biobanks in Toronto, Canada, to illustrate our points. The biobanks have been established to facilitate sample and data sharing for research into the link between disease progression and microbial dynamics in the lungs (...)
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    Patterns of the life-world.John Wild, James M. Edie, Francis H. Parker & Calvin O. Schrag (eds.) - 1970 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Insight, by F. H. Parker.--Why be uncritical about the life-world? By H. B. Veatch.--Homage to Saint Anselm, by R. Jordan.--Art and philosophy, by J. M. Anderson.--The phenomenon of world, by R. R. Ehman.--The life-world and its historical horizon, by C. O. Schrag.--The Lebenswelt as ground and as Leib in Husserl: somatology, psychology, sociology, by E. Paci.--Life-world and structures, by C. A. van Peursen.--The miser, by E. W. Straus.--Monetary value and personal value, by G. Schrader.--Individualisms, by W. L. McBride.--Sartre the individualist, (...)
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